The Cosău Trail

Start: Budeşti (village centre);

Finish: Ocna Şugatag (Băile vechi);

Reference points: Budeşti – Sârbi – Călineşti – Ocna Şugatag;

Distance: 15 km; Elevation difference: 180 m;Trail grade: maximum –12%; average – 3%;

Difficulty level: L-M

Although it largely stretches on the main road, which is the most exposed to modernity, this trail keeps us close to the authentic and archaic Maramureș. If you want to get into all the workshops of skilful craftspeople and you are interested to admire closely the motifs carved on the wooden gates, you will need to grip the bicycle brake levers often. For both craftspeople and wooden gates are found in abundance on the Cosău Trail.

From the church in Budeşti Josani to Sârbi, our road follows the river Cosău closely, thus managing to bring us into the realm of the ingenious technical installations driven by water: whirlpools, fulling mills, flour-mills, a thresher. In Călineşti, we are surprised by a maze of village streets and cart roads. The last part of the trail takes us to Ocna Şugatag.

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The UNESCO monument wooden church in Budeşti Josani (1643)

Craftspeople’s workshops and traditional installations

The Sârbi Susani wooden church (1638)

The Călinești Căeni wooden church (1629)

The rural landscape of Călineşti

The Ocna Şugatag Weekly Fair

The Gavrilă Lake – the largest salt mining lake in Romania